Craig Teofilo, Psy.D. 🧑🏫(Master Trainer)
Craig is a licensed psychologist with over 20 years experience in the field of forensic risk assessment and court mandated treatment for sexual and violent offenders. This includes having provided outpatient treatment and evaluations of adult male sex offenders on community supervision at the county, state, and Federal levels. It also includes conducting Sexually Violent Predator (SVP) and Mentally Disordered Offender (MDO) evaluations as a contractor with the California Department of State Hospitals (DSH). He is co-chair of the State Authorized Risk Assessment Tools for Sex Offenders (SARATSO) Review Committee. Additionally, he is a certified (independent) Static-99R trainer by the Static Development Team. Currently, Craig is a DSH Forensic Services Division employee, as an SVP-Evaluator and a member of the Quality Assurance Team. He maintains a small private practice conducting forensic evaluations and trainings.
Static-99R Trainer - Independent
Teaching Locations
Willing to travel in person or virtually
Willing to travel in person or virtually