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Static/BARR-2002R User


Static-2002R is an actuarial risk tool for evaluating the risk of sexual recidivism among adult males with a history of sexual offending. Static-2002R assesses the likelihood of sexual recidivism as well as other actuarial risk tools commonly used with this population. One desirable feature of Static-2002 is that it assesses some theoretically meaningful characteristics presumed to be the cause of recidivism risk (persistence of sexual offending, deviant sexual interests, general criminality).

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Policy and Practice

We recommend evaluators use Static-2002R instead of Static-2002.

Note that Static-99R training is not sufficient to score Static-2002R. We recommend that evaluators obtain Static-2002R training before using the scale.

Public Safety Canada holds the copyright to Static-2002/R Coding Rule Manuals and Coding Forms. Permission to reproduce these documents in part or in whole must be approved by Public Safety Canada. Please direct inquiries HERE.

Recommended pre-requisites for being trained to use Static-99R, Static-2002R, STABLE-2007 and ACUTE-2007 – Coming Soon!



      Coding Materials*
      *Note that the Static-2002 Coding Rules (2009) apply to all Static-2002R items, with the exception of the age item, which has updated weights. Coding rules for the age item are included in the Age Coding For Static-2002R (August 2012) document and in combination with the Static-2002 Coding Rules (2009) comprise the full coding rules for Static-2002R.


          For research regarding Static-2002R/BARR-2002R, please see ‘Research’ section of the website.