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affliates have access to the following benefits:

  • Access to additional relevant journal articles not included in the open access Research page.
  • Access to relevant conference presentations and posters
  • Access to research reviews
  • Access to newsletters and updates
  • Access to SAARNA position and discussion papers
  • Access to SAARNA policy and practice materials and updates
  • Access to presentation slides (pdf), Coding Manual, Evaluator’s Workbook and training exercises for measures on which you have previously been trained
  • Discounted prices for training in any additional measures and access to the associated training materials
  • Discounted prices on webinars (e.g., scoring complex cases, risk assessment with indigenous populations)

scale users have access to the following benefits:

  • STABLE-2007 and ACUTE-2007 Users have access to current Coding Manuals, Evaluator Workbooks, and Coding Forms
  • Static-99R/Static-2002R Users have access to all archived materials related to both scales
  • Access to additional relevant journal articles not included in the open access Research page.
  • Access to relevant conference presentations and posters
  • Access to research reviews
  • Access to newsletters and updates
  • Access to SAARNA position and discussion papers
  • Access to SAARNA policy and practice materials and updates
  • Access to presentation slides (pdf), Coding Manual, Evaluator’s Workbook and training exercises for measures on which you have previously been trained
  • Discounted prices for training in any additional measures and access to the associated training materials
  • Discounted prices on webinars (e.g., scoring complex cases, risk assessment with indigenous populations)

trainers have access to the following benefits:

  • Access to all of the resources noted above for Affiliates and Scale Users
  • Access to training materials for the measures you are certified to train users (training slides, Coding Manual, Evaluator’s Workbook, multiple training exercise, additional reference materials)
  • Access to examples of training materials developed by other trainers
  • Access to competency exams for trainees
  • Access to certificates of completion for trainees
  • Access to reading lists for trainers (new and archived)
  • Access to trainer peer review rating guides
  • Confirmation of status as a Certified Trainer on the website (local trainers)
  • Confirmation of status as Certified Trainer with contact information on the website (independent trainers)
  • Free trainer webinars
  • Discounted prices or free access to other webinars (e.g., scoring complex cases, risk assessments with indigenous populations)