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This section provides scoring and user guidance materials for STABLE-2007 and ACUTE-2007 user and trainers.

The STABLE/ACUTE user information is available to affiliates who have completed Stable-2007 and ACUTE-2007 training with a certified trainer. The trainer materials are restricted to Certified Trainers on these risk tools.

Recommended pre-requisites for being trained to use Static-99R, Static-2002R, STABLE-2007 and ACUTE-2007 – Coming Soon!


The STABLE-2007 is an interview- and file-review-based instrument designed to assess stable, dynamic risk factors for sexual recidivism. The following items are included in the Stable-2007: (a) significant social influences, (b) capacity for relationship stability, (c) emotional identification with children, (d) hostility toward women, (e) general social rejection and loneliness, (f) lack of concern for others, (g) impulsivity, (h) poor problem solving skills, (i) negative emotionality/hostility, (j) sex drive/sex preoccupation, (k) sex as coping, (l) deviant sexual preference, and (m) cooperation with supervision. The emotional identification with children item is scored exclusively for individuals with a victim aged 13 or less. As such, scores range from 0 to 24 for individuals who have offended against adults and 0 to 26 for those who have offended against children, with higher scores indicating a greater likelihood of sexual recidivism.


The ACUTE-2007 is an interview- and file-review-based instrument designed to assess acute dynamic (i.e., rapidly changing) risk factors for sexual recidivism. Items are scored on a 4-point scale ranging from 0 = no problem, 1 = maybe/some, 2 = yes, definite problem, and 3 = intervene now. Items include (a) access to victims, (b) emotional collapse, (c) change in social supports, (d) hostility, (e) rejection of supervision, (f) sexual preoccupations, and (g) substance abuse. Scores range from 0 to 21, with higher scores indicating a higher likelihood of recidivism.