STABLE/ACUTE-2007 Training
Instructor Name: TBD
Instructor Email Address: TBD
Date and Time:
Monday September 30, 9am-4pm Eastern Time (7 hours)
Tuesday October 1, 9am-4pm Eastern Time (7 hours)
(14 hours total)
Cost: $500 CAD
Discount for SAARNA Affiliates: $100 (See NOTE below.)
Discount for students: $300 (Please complete this form for approval as a student participant.)
(NOTE: You MUST log into your account to register and get the discount at checkout. If you are joining SAARNA for the discount, please register as an Affiliate or User and then wait until your SAARNA account is activated before registering for this event. You will receive one email with a receipt for your SAARNA Affiliate registration and then a 2nd email when your account is manually approved and activated. Please wait for this 2nd email before registering for this event.)
Description of Event:
STABLE-2007 and ACUTE-2007 identify psychologically meaningful targets for treatment and supervision for individuals with a history of sexual offending. Participants will learn how to score these tools using case file and interview information. STABLE-2007 can be combined with a STATIC risk tool (Static-99R, Static-2002R, Risk Matrix – 2000/S) to create a dynamic actuarial prediction tool for the likelihood of sexual recidivism. As dynamic measures, STABLE-2007 and ACUTE-2007 can be used to monitor ongoing changes in psychological and community adjustment.
Individuals are most likely to benefit from this training if they have some knowledge of sexual offending and individuals who commit sexual offences. As well, the training assumes basic familiarity with a STATIC sexual recidivism risk tool, such as Static-99R, Static-2002R, or Risk Matrix-2000.
Notes for Participants:
Training will be delivered via Zoom, over 2 consecutive days (14 hours total)
Maximum number of seats: 25
Registrants should sign up using the email address of the person ATTENDING the talk so they can receive important announcements (e.g., Zoom link, training materials).
Electronic versions of training materials (scoring manuals, exercises, evaluators’ workbooks, etc.) will be available 1-2 days prior to the start of the training.